Resources / Great Projects

This is a list of resources that I find useful / interesting.

Defend Freedom Online

airq earth

JP Barlow is one of the internet’s greatest heroes. The Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace is a really special document to me. I think I teared up a little bit when I first read it. There are many people who do not feel at home where they are physically. Ultimately, what makes the internet beatiful is a collection of connections between the ideas of people. That is how I interpret Barlow’s concept of cyberspace being the “new home of Mind.” The internet’s only limitation is the capacity for minds to imagine and to build.


airq earth

Navigate the air quality of the earth here. Make good decisions for your health.



An awesome list of awesome lists on Github… This is the most popular repository on Github.



Really useful for looking at neighborhoods when you are visiting a new place.


lets encrypt

A search engine that indexes the internet of things. Very good for intelligence gathering. You can find all sorts of IOT information on here. Very relevant for the next decade as more and more things come online.

Let’s Encrypt

lets encrypt

Every website needs a certificate. Now, they are free to obtain and simple to install.



It’s very important to use some analytics when you are building an application. This works really great for mobile. Lots of new features always being released.

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